"Skip the workshops and buy Practical Negotiating. After field-testing the content through decades of experience, Gosselin has packed this useful book with processes that work and great questions and worksheets that force the material to become real and personal. Practical Negotiating will change your thinking about negotiating, and more importantly, will change your behavior. Highly recommended." —Steve Hopkins, Publisher, Executive Times
"Gosselin is a most articulate and engaging businessman, and this, coupled with a keen intellect and sharp observation of behavior (and a great sense of humor!) make this a must-read. His deep understanding of effective models of negotiation and their practical application make him one of the leaders in this field." —Keith G. Slater, former director of International Development, Ingersoll Rand
"This book is aptly titled as it provides the practical 'how to' for planning and executing effective negotiations. It's rich with examples, exercises, and reusable tools." —Dr. Rita Smith, Dean, Ingersoll Rand University