This is the 2010 California Edition of Treasures. Dramatically different than the national. Treasures is a THOROUGH language arts curriculum. Themes go across the curriculum. It's based on 4-Blocks Reading with a HEFTY integration of 6+1 Writing Traits. Graphic organizers are initially incorporated in the early years, yet almost seamlessly.... it truly makes sense, not confusion. Each year, TRULY BUILDS on the ones before. This program is not just about phonics, decoding and spelling...... this program is about using THE BRAIN from life as well as what is taught in the classroom. Lots of reading materials, genres, fiction keep children interested and THINKING. I am a homeschool mom, and my 8 year old goes to public school. I plan on my 6 year old to go next fall. After working w/my oldest and seeing the LEVEL of comprehension that he acquired I HAD to use this program. None of the rest were even close! I like to compare it to Saxon math, the same concepts are presented all through the year (and grade levels)...... and built upon NOT just by instruction but good ole' puttin' 2 + 2 together. I LOVE those 'A HA!' moments, don't you?
Included are: All Teacher's Editions for 1st grade Practice Books A, O, B Grammar Practice Book (annotated ed) Spelling Practice Book Weekly Contracts ELL Practice and Assessment 4 Flipcharts: Reading, Science/Social Studies, Word Work, Writing Dinah Zike's Foldables Grammar and Writing Handbook Grammar and Writing Handbook (annotated ed) Graphic Organizer Transparencies Home-School Connection Instructional Routine Cards Phonics/Daily Language Transparencies Start Smart/Comprehension/Study Skills/Text Features Transparencies Start Smart Activity Book Teacher's Resource Book Teaching Chart Unit and Benchmark Assessment Manuscript Handwriting Book plus Teacher's Edition Slant Handwriting Book plus Teacher's Edition
If some of these parts don't seem to be in the folders, they may be included under other names or added to different parts. The Teacher's Resource Book has extra parts for sure.
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