Cliffs Notes included in the collection:
Achebe-Things Fall Apart
Aeschylus-Agamemnon, etc
Albee-Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
American Poets 20th Century
Anaya-Bless Me, Ultima
Anderson-Winesburg, Ohio
Angelou-I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Asimov-Foundation Trilogy
Atwood-The Handmaid's Tale
Austen-Pride and Prejudice
Austen-Sense and Sensibility
Baldwin-Go Tell It on the Mountain
Balzac-Pere Goriot
Beckett-Waiting for Godot
Berkeley-Major Philosophical Works
Bradbury-Fahrenheit 451
Bronte-Jane Eyre
Bronte-Wuthering Heights
Brown-Manchild in the Promised Land
Buck-The Good Earth
Butler-The Way of All Flesh
Byron-Don Juan
Camus-The Plague
Camus-The Stranger
Carroll-Alice in Wonderland
Cather-Death Comes for the Archbishop
Cather-My Antonia
Cervantes-Don Quixote
Chaucer-The Canterbury Tales
Chopin-The Awakening
Cisneros-The House on Mango Street, etc
Conrad-Heart of Darkness-The Secret Sharer
Conrad-Lord Jim
Cooper-The Deerslayer
Cooper-The Last of the Mohicans
Crane-The Red Badge of Courage
Dante-Divine Comedy-Inferno
Defoe-Moll Flanders
Defoe-Robinson Crusoe
Detective In Fiction
Dickens-A Tale of Two Cities
Dickens-Bleak House
Dickens-David Copperfield
Dickens-Great Expectations
Dickens-Oliver Twist
Dickens-The Pickwick Papers
Dorris-A Yellow Raft in Blue Water
Dostoevsky-Crime And Punishment
Dostoyevsky-The Brothers Karmazov
Dostoyevsky-The Idiot
Douglass-Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass
Dreiser-An American Tragedy
Dreiser-Sister Carrie
Dumas-The Count of Monte Cristo
Dumas-The Three Musketeers
Eliot-Adam Bede
Eliot-Silas Marner
Eliot-The Mill on the Floss
Ellison-Invisible Man
Emily Dickinson-Selected Poems
Faulkner-Go Down Moses
Faulkner-Short Stories
Faulkner-The Bear
Faulkner-The Sound and the Fury
Faulkner-The Unvanquished
Fielding-Joseph Andrews
Fielding-Tom Jones
Fitzgerald-The Great Gatsby
Flaubert-Madame Bovary
Forster-A Passage to India
Fowles-The French Lieutenant's Woman
Franklin-The Autobiography
Frank-The Diary of Anne Frank
Gaines-A Lesson Before Dying
Garcia Marquez-100 Years of Solitude
Golding-Lord of the Flies
Goldsmith-The Vicar of Wakefield
Greek Classics
Greene-The Power and the Glory
Griffin-Black Like Me
Guterson-Snow Falling on Cedars
Hansberry-A Raisin in the Sun
Hardy-Return of the Native
Hardy-Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Hardy-The Mayor of Casterbridge
Hawthorne-The House of the Seven Gables
Hawthorne-The Scarlet Letter
Hemingway-A Farewell to Arms
Hemingway-Short Stories
Hemingway-The Old Man and the Sea
Hemingway-The Sun Also Rises
Herbert-Dune & Other Works
Homer-The Iliad
Homer-The Odyssey
Houston-Farewell to Manzanar
Howells-The Rise of SIlas Lapham
Hudson-Green Mansions
Hugo-Les Miserables
Hurston-Their Eyes Were Watching God
Huxley-Brave New World
Ibsen-A Doll's House-Hedda Gabler
Ibsen-Ghosts-Enemy of the People-Wild Duck
Jacobs-Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl
James-The Ambassadors
Joyce-Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
Kafka-The Metamorphosis & Other Stories
Kafka-The Trial
Keats and Shelley-Poems
Kelley-A Different Drummer
Kesey-One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Kingsolver-The Bean Trees
Kingston-The Woman Warrior
Knowles-A Separate Peace
Lawrence-Sons and Lovers
Lipsyte-The Contender
Locke-Concerning Human Understanding
London-Call of the Wild-White Fang
Lowry-The Giver
Machiavelli-The Prince
Malamud-The Assistant
Mallory-Le Morte d'Arthur
Mann-The Magic Mountain
Maugham-Of Human Bondage
McCarthy-All the Pretty Horses
Melville-Bartleby-Benito Cereno
Melville-Billy Budd-Typee
Melville-Moby Dick
Miller-Death of a Salesman
Miller-The Crucible
Milton-Paradise Lost
Moliиre-Tartuffe-The Misanthrope-The Bourgeois Gentleman
Momaday-House Made Of Dawn
More-Utopia and Utopian Literature
Morrison-Song of Solomon
Morrison-The Bluest Eye & Sula
Nordhoff-Mutiny on the Bounty
O'Brien-The Things They Carried
O'Connor-Short Stories
O'Neil-Emperor Jones-The Hairy Ape-Mourning Becomes Electra
Orwell-Animal Farm
Paton-Cry, the Beloved Country
Plath-The Bell Jar
Plato-Euthyphro, Apology, Crito & Phaedo
Poe-Short Stories
Potok-The Chosen
Rand-Atlas Shrugged
Rand-The Fountainhead
Remarque-All Quiet on the Western Front
Richter-The Light in the Forest
Rolvagg-Giants in the Earth
Roman Classics
Rostand-Cyrano de Bergerac
Salinger-The Catcher in the Rye
Science Fiction
Shaara-The Killer Angels
Shakespeare-A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare-Antony and Cleopatra
Shakespeare-As You Like It
Shakespeare-Comedy of Errors-etc
Shakespeare-Henry IV Part 1
Shakespeare-Henry IV Part 2
Shakespeare-Henry V
Shakespeare-Julius Caesar
Shakespeare-King Lear
Shakespeare-Measure for Measure
Shakespeare-Minor Plays
Shakespeare-Much Ado About Nothing
Shakespeare-Richard II
Shakespeare-Richard III
Shakespeare-Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare's Comedies
Shakespeare-The Merchant of Venice
Shakespeare-The Taming of the Shrew
Shakespeare-The Tempest
Shakespeare-The Winter's Tale
Shakespeare-Twelfth Night
Shaw-Major Barbara-Saint Joan
Shaw-Man and Superman-Caesar and Cleopatra
Shaw-Pygmalion-Arms & the Man
Sinclair-The Jungle
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Skinner-Walden Two
Solzhenitsyn- One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovitch
Sophocles-Oedipus Triology
Spencer-The Faerie Queene
St. Augustine-Confessions
Steinbeck-Of Mice and Men
Steinbeck-The Grapes Of Wrath
Steinbeck-The Pearl
Steinbeck-The Red Pony
Stendhal-The Red and the Black
Sterne-Tristram Shandy
Stevenson-Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Stowe-Uncle Tom's Cabin
Swift-Gulliver's Travels
Tan-The Joy Luck Club
Tan-The Kitchen God's Wife
Thackery-Vanity Fair
The Bible
The Old Testament
Thoreau, Emerson, and Transcendentalism
Tolkien-The Lord of the Rings-The Hobbit
Tolstoy-Anna Karenina
Tolstoy-War and Peace
Twain-A Connecticut Yankee
Twain-Hucklebery Finn
Twain-The Prince and the Pauper
Twain-Tom Sawyer
Virgil-The Aeneid
Walker-The Color Purple
Warren-All the King's Men
West-Miss Lonelyhearts-Day of the Locust
Wharton-Ethan Frome
White-The Once and Future King
Whitman-Leaves of Grass
Wilder-Our Town
Wilde-The Picture of Dorian Gray
Williams-The Glass Menagerie-Streetcar Named Desire
Woolf-Mrs. Dalloway
Wordsworth-The Prelude
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