A Personal Approach to Academic Writing, Vol. 3 - Toby Fulwiler - Paperback - 3RD (2002)
The affirmation of individual creativity in writing is what sets this book apart from other process-oriented rhetorics. Conversational in tone, the book's third edition boasts a writer-to-writer perspective that will put students at ease. The book "walks" students through the main elements of writing from discovery and research to revising and editing. At the same time, it allows for many detours in its step-by-step approach, with frequent reminders that everyone's processes are unique and that establishing and maintaining a personal voice can be achieved while meeting conventional academic expectations. The book examines the different, yet overlapping stages of writing. It addresses rhetorical issues of audience, purpose, and voice, as well as the details of field, library, and Internet research, with particular attention to evaluating sources. It also offers these new features to keep students and teachers up to date: new Web-based research information; the most recent Modern Language Association guidelines; increased coverage of visual elements of texts; more on approaches to writing "alternative" pieces; and a look at the role of creative nonfiction in an academic setting. The book includes examples of the best of undergraduate writing for inspiration, student statements about their writing problems for reassurance, and guidelines for writing groups, portfolios, publishing class books and Web pages, writing essay examinations, and punctuation.
Table of Contents:
I. The Writer
1. A Writer's Choices
2. The Composing Process
3 Thinking with Writing
4. Keeping a Journal II. College Writing
5. Writing in the Academic Community
6. Writing to Remember and Reflect
7. Writing to Explain and Report
8. Writing to Argue and Interpret III. College Research
9. Researching People and Places
10. Researching Texts: Libraries and Websites
11. Writing with Source
12. Documenting Research Sources IV. Writing Well
13. Options for Revision
14. Options for Editing
15. Writing Alternate Style
16. Finding Your Voice Postscripts
1. Guidelines for Writing Groups
2. Guidelines for Writing Portfolios
3. Guidelines for Publishing Class Books and Web Pages
4. Guidelines for Writing Essay Examinations
5. Guidelines for Punctuation