This is a "success manual" that gives readers a step by step plan for
taking control of their lives and unleashing their incredible
potential. The book consists of 12 Lessons: Your
Attitude is Your Window to the World; You're A Human Magnet; Picture
Your Way to Success; Make a Commitment and You'll Move Mountains; Turn
Your Problems into Opportunities; Your Words Blaze A Trail; How Are
You?; Stop Complaining; Associate with Positive People; Confront Your
Fears and Grow; Get Out There and Fail; Networking That Gets Results.
book shows how author Jeff Keller used these principles to make a
career transition from lawyer to motivational speaker -- and shows
readers how they, too, can make positive changes in every area of their
About the Author
Jeff Keller, President of
Attitude is Everything, Inc, is a speaker, seminar leader and writer in
the area of motivation and human potential. For more than 10 years, he
has delivered his uplifting presentations to businesses and
organizations throughout the United States and abroad.
Jeff is also an attorney and practiced law for more than 10 years before pursuing a full time career as a speaker and writer.
He is the author of two highly acclaimed publications -- Attitude is Everything Newsletter and The Monthly Motivator. Jeff is also the author of the audio casssette program, Change Your Thinking/Change Your Life.