Semantics and Syntax in Lexical Functional Grammar
Published by: simonaro29 (Karma: 62.32) on 6 October 2009 | Views: 6644 |

Semantics and Syntax in Lexical Functional Grammar: A new, deductive approach to the syntax-semantics interface integrates two mature and successful lines of research: logical deduction for semantic composition and the Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) approach to the analysis of linguistic structure. It is often referred to as the "glue" approach because of the role of logic in "gluing" meanings together. The "glue" approach has attracted significant attention from, among others, logicians working in the relatively new and active field of linear logic; linguists interested in a novel deductive approach to the interface between syntax and semantics within a nontransformational, constraint-based syntactic framework; and computational linguists and computer scientists interested in an approach to semantic composition that is grounded in a conceptually simple but powerful computational framework. This introduction to and overview of the "glue" approach is the first book to bring together the research of the major contributors to the field.
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Tags: approach, Grammar, Functional, Lexical, research, Grammar, approach, Semantics |