Style Writer is the best word processing add-on on the market.It teaches you to write in the style of top authors and journalists bychecking every document for thousands of style and English usagefaults. Ten times more powerful than any other writing aid, StyleWriterimproves your writing style instantly.
Most documents benefit from strong editing to improve clarity andreadability. Many of us have poor writing habits, making our writingdull and long-winded and this makes it difficult to get our messageacross. StyleWriter changes your habits by showing you how to edit yourwriting into a clear and readable style. StyleWriter is the idealwriting software for anyone who needs to communicate clearly inEnglish.
Lawyers, government officials, engineers,educators, accountants are just a few professional groups who havefound StyleWriter transforms their writing style. Use StyleWriter andyou'll find you soon save time drafting, send more direct and easilyunderstood documents and get better responses from your readers. SomeStyleWriter users claim the program has helped get higher responses tosales letters, saved countless hours in administration and improved theprofiles of their organizations.