A,B,C's of Success! How to Create a Reality that Exceeds Your Dreams, Faster than You Ever Thought Possible!
The A, B, C’s of success will show you exactly what you need to do to achieve all your goals. The good news is, the things you have to do are simple. From showing you how to apply action, belief and consistency to your life, to showing you how to create SMART goals, and develop a mind for success, this book is your roadmap to living an extraordinary life.
Twenty-five years ago, Berlin and Kay argued that there are commonalities of basic color term use that extend across languages and cultures, and probably express universal features of perception and cognition. In this volume, a distinguished team of contributors from visual science, psychology, linguistics and anthropology examine how these claims have fared in the light of current knowledge, surveying key ideas, results and techniques from the study of human color vision as well as field methods and theoretical interpretations drawn from linguistic anthropology.
QI: The Book of General Ignorance by John Lloyd, John Mitchinson“To impress friends with your cleverness, beg, borrow or buy John Lloyd and John Mitchinson’s The Book of General Ignorance, an extraordinary collection of 230 common misperceptions compiled for the BBC panel game QI (Quite Interesting).” —Financial Times
“This book would make even Edison feel small and silly, for it offers answers to questions you never thought to ask or had no need of asking as you already knew, or thought you knew, the answer.” —The Economist
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Brian Boyd's classic study explores the relationship between the obvious dazzle of Nabokov's style and the unsuspected depths of his thought before focusing on his richest and most surprising novel.