A timeless classic of a romance between two ghosts who must fight to remain cognizant of what life and love once were--and still are--is a love story that transcends all love stories and a ghost story that transcends all ghost stories. Funny and heartwarming, it's perfect for young readers and adults alike.
Speak Out - единственный в России цветной иллюстрированный журнал для изучающих и преподающих английский язык. На его страницах - информация об англоязычных странах, новости музыкальной жизни, короткие рассказы, сценарии пьес для постановки в школьных театрах, поэтические конкурсы, тексты популярных песен, кроссворды и чайнворды, психологические тесты, логические задачи, а также такие серьезные вещи, как образцы заданий, предлагаемых абитуриентам на вступительных экзаменах.
An illustrated magazine for those who study and teach English. On its pages you find information about English-speaking countries, news, music life, short stories, scripts for plays in school theater productions, poetry contests, the texts of popular songs, crosswords and chaynvordy, psychological tests, logic problem, as well as such serious things as samples of job offered admission to entrance examinations. ENGLISH CONTENT ONLY!
Through poetry, essays, biographies, and editing, American women have had a long and significant impact on the art of writing. Millions of American women have told their own stories or the stories of others, or they’ve used writing as a way to create another world. A to Z of American Women Writers, Revised Edition profiles 186 such women, among them poets, essayists, journalists, editors, novelists, memoirists, and numerous other types of writers. This engaging resource examines the stories of women from a wide array of cultures and generations who share a love of writing.
Miyamoto Usagi is no Bugs Bunny. He's a rabbit bodyguard, a samurai who wanders the mountains, plains, and villages of a 17th-century Japan populated almost exclusively by anthropomorphic animals. Cats, snakes, rhinos, and ninja moles plot and fight their way across a land ravaged by civil war. The 10 stories in the first volume introduce Usagi, the evil Lord Hikiji, and a host of other characters. The stories themselves can stand alone, but taken together they begin to form an ongoing saga of treachery and revenge. Sometimes violent, sometimes funny, Usagi's adventures are filled with fascinating historical detail. The costumes, landscapes, and buildings are beautifully drawn, creating such a sense of realism it's easy to forget the hero is a rabbit. If you buy the first book in this series, you'll want the rest.
Usagi Yojimbo is the kind of quality work that transcends time, genres, demographics, and even age groups. It crafts a delicate and beautiful balance between honor and savagery, cute innocence and dark brutality, simple heart-warming stories and multi-part epics that shape a dense continuity. Whether or not you've ever been a fan of feudal Japanese culture, furry anthro characters, or independent, non-superhero comics, Usagi Yojimbo is a comic that can't help but impress even the harshest critic.
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Not only suitable, but much recommended for young learners, Reading level: Ages 9-12, can serve as well as a coloring book to enliven lessons - stovokor, Usagi addict :)