Once upon a Time: Fairy Tales in the Library and Language Arts Classroom for Grades 3-6
Added by: badaboom | Karma: 5366.29 | Coursebooks » Only for teachers | 10 October 2011 |
Once upon a Time: Fairy Tales in the Library and Language Arts Classroom for Grades 3-6
Use fairy tales in the library and classroom to increase students proficiency in story structure, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking skills, and to foster collaboration with teachers. ·Teach core language arts skills using familiar fairy tales in AASL, IRA/NCTE standards-based, ready-to-use lessons. ·Use materials standard to every library to teach the curriculum, inspire a love of fairy tales, and include English Language Learners (ELL) in meaningful ways. ·Involve students in standards-based learning while they enjoy the charm and intrigue of their favorite fairy tales. |
Tags: tales, fairy, Language, standards-based, students, skills |