The Illustrated Everyday Idioms with Stories series makes learning common English idioms fun. Together, the two books in the series provide easy-to-read examples of 600 common English idioms. Each idiom is accompanied by a short definition, two examples of correct usage, and the idiom shown in context within a story. Designed for students of other languages learning English, the Illustrated Everyday Idioms with Stories series makes learning English idioms fun! WITH KEY
New Headway English Course takes the successful Headway series into an exciting new era. It introduces new features to challenge adult and young adult intermediate students and ensure that learning English is interesting and motivating. The course combines the best of traditional methods with more recent approaches, to help students use English both accurately and fluently. This new intermediate course provides approximately 120 hours of language learning. It fits neatly between Headway Pre-Intermediate and Headway Upper-Intermediate, and together with Headway Elementary and Headway Advanced provides a comprehensive language teaching series for today's classrooms. SIZE REDUCED VERSION by Pumukl
This series helps teachers to demystify physics by showing students what it looks like. Field trips to hot-air balloon events, symphony concerts, bicycle shops, and other locales make complex concepts more accessible. Inventive computer graphics illustrate abstract concepts such as time, force, and capacitance, while historical reenactments of the studies of Newton, Leibniz, Maxwell, and others trace the evolution of theories. The Mechanical Universe helps meet different students' needs, from the basic requirements of liberal arts students to the rigorous demands of science and engineering majors. This series is also valuable for teacher professional development.
The Songbook provides the words and music for all 60 songs and chants from the Tiny Talk series. It can be used in conjunction with the series, or alongside any kindergarten material. The songs and chants have been specially written for 3-6 year olds by world-famous songwriter Carolyn Graham. Charming illustrations set the context and bring the songs to life for young children. Melody lines and guitar chords in the Songbook enable teachers to play their own instruments in the classroom. Spiral binding allows the book to lie flat on a piano or music stand, freeing the teacher's hands for playing an instrument or using the Tiny Talk puppets.
The following Picture Cards Set helps preview lessons, develop vocabulary, and stimulate expansion activities. Each one has been designed to help teachers illustrate meanings and also encourage speaking skills by creating dialogues and short stories. They accompany the popular Side By Side series, and have been indexed to make it easier to pick out depending on the needs the teacher and students face. SIZE REDUCED PICTURES + PDF by Pumukl