Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate Resource Bank (no teacher's notes for the lessons, only the 'Resource Bank' section)
Сборник заданий/игр для использования вместе с учебником Cutting Edge Pre-Intermediate.
В этой книге вы найдёте не только много разнообразных и интересных заданий для парной и групповой работы (с ответами), но и тесты.
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Tags: Cutting, Resource, PreIntermediate, интересных, разнообразных |
Longman Cutting Edge Upper-intermediate teachers resource book
Added by: biocide | Karma: 145.33 | Coursebooks » Only for teachers | 16 October 2006 |
Longman Cutting Edge Upper-intermediate teachers resource book
В помощь учителю по курсу Cutting Edge уровня Upper-intermediate.
New Cutting Edge
combines the comprehensive syllabus and reliable teaching resources that have made the course so popular, with brand-new features, making it even fresher and easier to use.
New Cutting Edge Teacher’s Resource Books give teachers everything they need to use the course successfully in a variety of teaching situations. |
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Tags: Cutting, Upperintermediate, teachers, course, resource |