Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 3 July 2016
Tom Connolly joined An Garda Síochána in 1955, following in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. His early days on the force were spent in various villages and towns around Ireland, tracking petty thieves, raiding pubs and patrolling country roads on his bicycle. Back then, before the dawn of DNA profiling, policemen relied on local knowledge and intuition – as well as careful evidence-gathering and interrogation techniques – to make their cases.
The Education Reform Act has established assessment as the measure by which the implementation of the National Curriculum and school success will be judged. Current initiatives assume, for the first time, the possibility of a new partnership beteen curriculum and assessment. This book is designed to provide a practical understanding of recent examination and assessment developments at secondary level, and will be particularly useful to students and practising teachers. It examines the introduction of the GCSE, the use of profiling, equal opportunities issues, examinations at 16+ and the assessment of school-leavers for training and employment.
The title of this collection, Profiling Shakespeare, is meant strongly in its double sense. These essays show the outline of a Shakespeare rather different from the man sought by biographers from his time to our own. They also show the effects, the ephemera, the clues and cues, welcome and unwelcome, out of which Shakespeare's admirers and dedicated scholars have pieced together a vision of the playwright, whether as sage, psychologist, lover, theatrical entrepreneur, or moral authority.
H. G. Wells once said, "The most interesting history of the [entire] 19th century was the growth of the United States." The years from 1850 to 1875 demonstrate the truth of this assessment. During the Civil War period, familiar aspects of modern life, such as government bureaucracy, consumer goods, mass culture, data profiling, and professionalism began to develop, and a great deal of changes took place.
Confident in his opinions and systematic in his examination of high-profile whodunits, FBI veteran John Douglas proves his worth once again as one of the world's best psychological detectives. You may think you've read all there is about Jack the Ripper, Lizzie Borden, and the Lindbergh kidnapping, but Douglas has a few surprise conclusions in his modern analysis of these gripping crimes. By applying criminal personality profiling techniques he developed while stalking more current killers, Douglas provides a fresh, sage outlook on some disturbing history.