Business English Magazine (September-October 2011)
Polish bimonthly magazine for the learners of business English at upper intermediate and advanced levels (B2-C1). Tackles such issues as business technology, luxury entertainment and gadgets, health and fitness, environment, business skills, small companies, trends in business and lifestyles, profiles of famous managers, currency market, international issues, local problems, brief reports. Some texts are accompanied with audio tracks or video clips.
This handbook organizes chapters by sets of policies that are important components of discussions about how to facilitate development. In each chapter, authors identify and discuss the relevant theoretical and empirical literature that describes the fundamental problems that the policies seek to remedy or ameliorate, as well as the literature that evaluates the effects of the policies.
Yale professor Dr. Edward Kender’s father is undergoing chemotherapy when the supply of a critical accompanying drug, Culovort, suddenly runs out. Unwilling to accept the drug manufacturer’s disingenuous excuse of production line problems, Dr. Kender hires private investigator Erin Pulaski to prove that something more sinister is going on at Schiffer Hartwin.
Evie is different. Not just her upbringing-though that's certainly been unusual-but also her mindset. She's smart, independent, confident, opinionated, and ready to take on a new challenge: The Institution of School. It doesn't take this homeschooled kid long to discover that high school is a whole new world, and not in the way she expected. It's also a social minefield, and Evie finds herself confronting new problems at every turn, failing to follow or even understand the rules, and proposing solutions that aren't welcome or accepted.
Zbior Testow Gramatycznych / The Set of Tests of English Grammar
The book is intended for intermediate and advanced students. The tests include basic grammatical problems in synthetic and contrastive way. Furthermore, the tests make student think intensively while solving particular grammatical problems.