Thermodynamics, istical Physics, and Quantum Mechanics A GUIDE TO PHYSICS PROBLEMS part 2
A Guide to Physics Problems, Part 2not only serves an important function, but is a pleasure to read. By selectingproblems from different universities and even different scientificcultures, the authors have effectively avoided a one-sided approach to physics. All the problems are good,some are very interesting,some positivelyintriguing, a few are crazy; but all of them stimulate the reader to think about physics, not merely to train you to pass an exam. I personallyreceived considerable pleasure in working the problems, and I would guess that anyone who wants to be a professional physicist wouldexperience similar enjoyment
A GUIDE TO PHYSICS PROBLEMS part 1 Mechanics, Relativity, and Electrodynamics
Sidney Cahn and Boris Nadgorny have energetically collected and pre-sented solutions to about 140 problems from the exams at many universities in the United States and one university in Russia, the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Some of the problems arequite easy, others quite tough; some are routine, others ingenious
Routledge Contemporary Introductions to Philosophy
This innovative, well-structured series isfor students who have already done an introductory course in philosophy. Each book introduces a core general subject in contemporary philosophy and offers students an accessible but substantial transition from introductory to higher-level college work in that subject. The series is accessible to non-specialists and each book clearly motivates and expounds the problems and positions introduced. An orientating chapter briefly introduces its topic and reminds readers of any crucial material they need to have retained from a typical introductory course.
Introduction to MultiplicationThis book is designed to help children aged 5 to 8 years old in order to understand the basic concepts of multiplication. As multiplication is more complex than addition and subtraction, guidance from parents or a teacher is required to understand the concepts of multiplicative problems in this workbook. It covers multiplication from 1 x 1 to 5 x 5.
A bimonthly magazine for the teachers of English. Features information on the new trends in technology, preparing secondary classes for exams, young learners issues, junior high school problems, literature, methodology tips, culture, travelling, ELT, drama, and grammar.