Preparing and Delivering Scientific Presentations: A Complete Guide for International Medical Scientists
This book is intended to be the last in Ramón Ribes' "Medical English" series, which is aimed at health care professionals who need English for their work but do not speak English on a day-to-day basis. Although much of the information provided will be useful for scientists of all backgrounds and nationalities, the book is aimed especially at non-native English-speaking physicians and biomedical scientists. It offers clear advice on a variety of topics relevant to the successful preparation and delivery of scientific presentations.
This book is jam-packed with ideas for creating your own unique ornaments. There is something for painters and crafters of all levels and age groups. Make ornaments for craft shows or bazaars, as gifts, or to decorate your own tree. The ornaments are created using a variety of products... wood, glass, metal, rusty tin, oven-bake clay, bread dough clay, cinnamon dough, paper mache, fabric and foam. Complete preparation, painting and finishing instructions, plus a color conversion chart for acrylic and glass paints so you can use any brand you like. A must-have on your creative book shelf!
Target Score for the new TOEIC TB (Teacher's Book)
Target Score Second edition is a preparatory course for the new TOEIC® Test (Test of English for International Communication ®). The Teacher's Book provides instructors with a complete hands-on guide to balancing the aims of language teaching with test preparation, as well as a range of photocopiable TOEIC® Test-inspired games and activities. It also contains a description of the new TOEIC® Test.
The Longman Exams Skills series is for students preparing for the First Certificate and proficiency exams. The books in each set provide through preparation for each of the papers with lots of practice based on real exam tasks.