Did you know that the best time to learn something new is during the first two hours after you wake up and the last two hours before you go to sleep? Did you know that stressing key points in color can boost memory retention by 25 percent?
Living with Depression - Why Biology and Biography Matter Along the Path the Hope and Healing
One out of four Americans will experience mental illness in their lifetime; major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability in the United States for ages 15 through 44. However, only a fraction of those suffering will seek treatment; 25 percent will seek treatment for symptoms. Stigma claims the other 75 percent, wedging depressed individuals into a life of silent suffering.
"We only use something like 10 percent of our brain, anywhere between 5 and 15 percent—I don't know what the current estimates are," as vos Savant told the reference book Newsmakers. In her view, humans are capable of much more. But motivation is the key: "So how much of a role is motivation playing day-to-day, when we are talking about much smaller differences? And is it measuring, perhaps—this is just a wild, out-of-the-blue kind of a guess— does it measure one person using 17.7 percent of their brain versus some one person who uses 17.8 percent? Is that what I.Q. does?
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality (Repost)
Edison famously said that genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration. Ideas for new businesses, solutions to the world's problems, and artistic breakthroughs are common, but great execution is rare.
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality
Added by: JustGoodNews | Karma: 4306.26 | Black Hole | 30 September 2010
Making Ideas Happen: Overcoming the Obstacles Between Vision and Reality
Edison famously said that genius is 1 percent inspiration, 99 percent perspiration. Ideas for new businesses, solutions to the world's problems, and artistic breakthroughs are common, but great execution is rare. According to Scott Belsky, the capacity to make ideas happen can be strengthened by anyone willing to build their organizational habits and harness the forces of community. That's why he founded Behance, a company that helps creative people and teams across industries develop these skills.