Since the publication of his groundbreaking books Writing Without Teachers and Writing with Power, Peter Elbow has revolutionized how people think about writing. Now, in Vernacular Eloquence, he makes a vital new contribution to both practice and theory. The core idea is simple: we can enlist virtues from the language activity most people find easiest-speaking-for the language activity most people find hardest-writing. Speech, with its spontaneity, naturalness of expression, and fluidity of thought, has many overlooked linguistic and rhetorical merits.
The Statue of Liberty, a gift to the United States from France, is one of our most important symbols of freedom. Standing tall in New York Harbor, it has been a welcoming sight to immigrants of long ago to the people today who see it for the first time.
When a fisherman opens an old jar, a giant comes out. When a donkey opens its mouth, gold falls out. There is magic in these five fairy tales. Good people are often very unhappy -- but in the end they have happy lives.
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