A wide range of creative and academic text types Four stage writing process used by native speakers Step by step support for brainstorming and organising ideas Graphic organizers and planning tools such as word webs, time lines, story maps, and Venn diagrams Lots of opportunities for students to personalise their writing Spelling Master Class with strategies to work out how to spell and remember words Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own
A wide range of creative and academic text types Four stage writing process used by native speakers Step by step support for brainstorming and organising ideas Graphic organizers and planning tools such as word webs, time lines, story maps, and Venn diagrams Lots of opportunities for students to personalise their writing Spelling Master Class with strategies to work out how to spell and remember words Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own
Oxford Discover uses Big Questions such as these to tap into students' natural curiosity. It enables them to ask their own questions, find their own answers, and explore the world around them.
Big Questions linked to school subjects form the basis of every unit Authentic fiction and non-fiction texts on every topic provide different views on the Big Question Video clips provide an introduction to each Big Question, helping students activate prior knowledge
A wide range of creative and academic text types Four stage writing process used by native speakers Step by step support for brainstorming and organising ideas Graphic organizers and planning tools such as word webs, time lines, story maps, and Venn diagrams Lots of opportunities for students to personalise their writing Spelling Master Class with strategies to work out how to spell and remember words Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own
A wide range of creative and academic text types Four stage writing process used by native speakers Step by step support for brainstorming and organising ideas Graphic organizers and planning tools such as word webs, time lines, story maps, and Venn diagrams Lots of opportunities for students to personalise their writing Spelling Master Class with strategies to work out how to spell and remember words Use alongside Oxford Discover or on its own