Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Periodicals | 23 June 2008
Harper's Magazine (or simply Harper's) is a monthly general-interest magazine covering literature, politics, culture, finance, and the arts from a progressive, left perspective. It is the second oldest continuously-published monthly magazine (the oldest magazine being Scientific American) in the United States, with a current circulation of slightly more than 220,000. Its editor is Roger Hodge, who replaced longtime editor Lewis Lapham on March 31, 2006.
Harper's has won numerous National Magazine Awards.
Harper's Magazine July 2008 issue:
- The boy from Shanghai by J.G. Ballard
- High noon for the Republican Party
- The Magic Olympics: with tricks explained!
• COVER:How to Survive A Disaster - Disasters are becoming more frequent and costly. But there are steps we can take to improve our chances of survival
• WORLD: Tony Blair's Leap of Faith - Can religion help solve the world's many conflicts? Britain's former Prime Minister thinks so
• SOCIETY: Eating Bugs - They're packed with protein and environmentally friendlier than other meat. But can greenies kick the ick factor?
• ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Summer Preview - From the newest tunes to the latest art exhibits, the freshest TV shows to the hottest movies, a survey of the artistic offerings to come in the summer of '08
• COVER:A Monk's Struggle - As China cracks down in Tibet, the Dalai Lama faces his greatest challenge since going into exile 49 years ago. Can his message of peace bring his people freedom?
• TO OUR READERS: Tackling Tibet - As violent protests spread in China, two TIME veterans offer unparalleled insight into the life and mind of Tibet's holiest leader, the Dalai Lama
• SCIENCE: Cosmic Flock - The solar system is filled with NASA's busy ships--and they're having a very good year
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Donatella Versace - After her brother Gianni was killed in 1997, she took over the family business and built it into a global brand, with a new menswear line out this month. Donatella Versace will now take your questions
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Periodicals | 7 June 2008
PDF (with links)
Cover Story: Seven Technologies That Will Touch Your Life
Buying Guide: Keep Your Data Safe
BOOST YOUR WI-FI TODAY! - Easy Steps to a Better Connection
• COVER:Ready to Rumble - Hillary Clinton has rescued her campaign by getting a lot rougher on Barack Obama. But Democrats worry: How much collateral damage will be done before it is over?
• ESSAY: Saving Cities, and Souls - The writers of The Wire believe the war on drugs has ruined millions of lives. Here's their controversial suggestion for how to end it
• ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT: Can a Film Change The World? - Message movies are getting hotter. But are they making any difference?
• PEOPLE: 10 Questions for Anne Rice - After vowing to never again write about Lestat, this best seller reveals she has one more vampire novel in her. Her newest religious book is Christ the Lord: The Road to Cana. Anne Rice will now take your questions