This series brings together titles dealing with a variety of aspects of languageacquisition and processing in situations where a language or languages other than thenative language is involved. Second language is thus interpreted in its broadestpossible sense. The volumes included in the series all offer in their different ways, onthe one hand, exposition and discussion of empirical findings and, on the other, somedegree of theoretical reflection. In this latter connection, no particular theoreticalstance is privileged in the series; nor is any relevant perspective – sociolinguistic,psycholinguistic, neurolinguistic, etc. – deemed out of place. The intended readershipof the series includes final-year undergraduates working on second languageacquisition projects, postgraduate students involved in second language acquisitionresearch, and researchers and teachers in general whose interests include a secondlanguage acquisition component.
All types of organisations have recognised the growing demand for open and flexible learning programmes. With the increased emphasis on new ways of learning, and the rapid move towards open and online courses, this practical guide will help those involved overcome the challenges they face. This guide provides user friendly advice and support for those currently involved with open learning and those considering it for the first time.
500 Tips for Open and Online Learning aims not only to save you time but also to enhance the quality of the learning experience which learners will draw from open and online learning. The book is divided into six sections which cover: * What is Open and Online Learning, why use it and how? * How to set up Open and Online learning programmes * Designing new resource materials * Putting technology to work * Supporting open learners * Assessing open learning This practical book will be an invaluable resource, providing immediate and accessible help to the increasing number of people now under pressure to design, support and deliver open learning programmes. This book will appeal to tutors, trainers, managers of learning resource centres and curriculum developers who are already involved in, or thinking about starting to use, aspects of open learning.
This is the first historical dictionary of psychiatry. It covers the subject from autism to Vienna, and includes the key concepts, individuals, places, and institutions that have shaped the evolution of psychiatry and the neurosciences. An introduction puts broad trends and international differences in context, and there is an extensive bibliography for further reading. Each entry gives the main dates, themes, and personalities involved in the unfolding of the topic. Longer entries describe the evolution of such subjects as depression, schizophrenia, and psychotherapy.
The two volume Encyclopedia of Space Science and Technology
represents an ambitious collection of the underlying physical
properties of rockets, satellites and space stations, what is known by
astronomers about the sun, planets, galaxy and universe, and the effect
of the space environment on human and other biological systems. The
Encyclopedia also provides a state-of-the-art summary of the
engineering involved in launching a rocket or satellite, the control
systems involved on the ground, in orbit or in deep space, and on
manufacturing in space from planetary and other resources. A quick
study of a number of basic topics in space science for researchers in
optics, materials processing and telecommunications, this Encyclopedia
is also an indispensable resource for physicists, astronomers,
engineers and materials and computer science.