An old man Philemon and his wife Baucis, unknowingly show hospitality to strangers who turn out to be, none other than Mercury, messenger of the Gods and old Jupiter, Father of us all. From an empty pitcher, milk flows endlessly.
Once upon a time there was a lad named William who was as silly as the day was long. Everyone called him Silly Willy. Find out how Willy marries Gretel who was just as silly as Willy.
Once there was a king who had twelve sons. From the eldest to the youngest, they were all tall handsome boys. But only Prince Eric, the youngest was just as kind as he was handsome. Discover how he meets the doll princess and eventually marries her.
There once was a poor farmer and his wife who had three sons. Their names were Peter, Paul and Hans Humdrum. All three sons head out to make their fortunes. See how Hans Humdrum , the youngest of the sons uses wisdom to make his fortune.