Now published in 2 volumes, the new edition of this landmark text gives you a succinct but comprehensive account of all currently available imaging modalities and their clinical applications. Extensively revised and restructured, it is an excellent review text for resident radiologists, offering detailed information on all the imaging modalities and interventional procedures needed for exam preparation. Additionally, it helps the practicing radiologists with a concentrated overview of the latest imaging techniques covering all parts of the body.
This second book in the Telling Time sequence helps children learn how to tell time down to the minute. By using a variety of different activities to keep children engaged, this workbook helps children learn this difficult skill without feeling frustrated or anxious.
Ages 5-7.
Long vowels are the most difficult part of learning to read and write. Using a combination of Kumons systematic, step-by-step approach and established phonics theory, this book helps children understand how different vowel combinations make the same long vowel sounds. Ages 5-7
The core of the book centres around the idea of cognitive dissonance, where the brain has to reconcile two contrasting viewpoints. For example the self belief that "I am rational and intelligent" with the action "I am slowly killing myself by smoking". The dissonance could be resolved by concluding that actually I am neither rational nor especially intelligent, but of course no one wants to conclude that! So instead I look for levers to reduce the gap in the other direction. Smoking helps me to relax, and stress is a big killer, smoking helps me to keep my weight down and obesity is a big health problem. And so on......
This book is a fascinating insight into human nature and will help you understand both other people and more importantly yourself a lot better.
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 12 August 2008
A vivacious vampire with a flair for accessorizing, Lil Marchette is unlike most of her kind. She prefers lively shades of pink to dismal black (soo not her color), plus she's a hopeless romantic. In need of a steady paycheck to support a compulsive cosmetics habit, Lil starts Dead End Dating (DED), a Manhattan-based matchmaking service that helps smart, sophisticated singles like herself find eternity mates - and may even help her stake a claim to her very own Count Right!