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Heart Development and Regeneration (2 Volume Set)

Heart Development and Regeneration (2 Volume Set)Heart Development and Regeneration (2 Volume Set)

ardiovascular diseases of both fetal and adult origin. Significant progress can now be made through a comprehensive investigation of embryonic development and its genetic control circuitry.
Heart Development and Regeneration, written by experts in the field, provides essential information on topics ranging from the evolution and lineage origins of the developing cardiovascular system to cardiac regenerative medicine. 
Tags: Development, Heart, Regeneration, ranging, evolution, Regeneration, Development, Volume, information
Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart (English Monographs)

Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart (Oxford English Monographs)Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart (Oxford English Monographs)

Victorian Poetry and the Culture of the Heart is a significant and timely study of nineteenth-century poetry and poetics. It considers why and how the heart became a vital image in Victorian poetry, and argues that the intense focus on heart imagery in many major Victorian poems highlights anxieties in this period about the ability of poetry to act upon its readers.
Tags: Victorian, poetry, heart, Poetry, Heart, Culture
The Heart of the Artist

The Heart of the ArtistThe Heart of the Artist

This book explores issues of character facing Christian artists who want to use their gifts more effectively in church ministry. This book gets to the heart of the matter concerning our attitudes and motivation for leading our churches in worship. This book will both convict you and encourage you. Anyone involved in worship ministry in any way will benefit from this book.
Tags: ministry, worship, churches, leading, motivation, Heart, ministry, Artist, worship
Washington Square by Henry James ( pre-intermediate)

Washington Square by Henry James (graded reader, level: pre-intermediate)Washington Square by Henry James (graded reader, level: pre-intermediate)

Catherine Sloper, an insignificant, plain girl, will one day inherit a substantial fortune from her father. When her overwhelming passion for a handsome fortune hunter transforms her dull existence, Catherine's distinguished father, her interfering aunt and her selfish lover all play with her feelings to satisfy their own needs, and succeed in breaking her heart.
Tags: father, fortune, Catherine, heart, breaking, Washington, intermediate, James
The Boy Who Wasn't There

The Boy Who Wasn't ThereThe Boy Who Wasn't There

'The boy who wasn't there' - a mystery  by Hans Wilhelm.

A mysterious boy who seems to come and go without warning leads lonely Sarah to the new friend which is her heart's desire.

Tags: friend, Sarah, which, heart, There, There, lonely, friend