NETTER'S Atlas Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing, and Hearing
Netter’s Atlas of Anatomy for Speech, Swallowing, and Hearing, 2nd Edition uses a unique "read-it, see-it" approach to help you easily connect anatomy and physiology concepts to detailed illustrations
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 16 August 2015
This is the first book to consider both deaf and hearing perspectives on the dynamics of adult sibling relationships. Deaf and hearing authors Berkowitz and Jonas conducted individual open-ended interviews with 22 adult sibling dyads or triads, using ASL and spoken English, to access their intimate thoughts and experiences. The book documents how the 150-year history of educational decisions and societal attitudes became imbedded in sibling bonds, transforming their lives, and identifies how the siblings' lives were affected by choices their parents made about how to communicate with the deaf family member.
Here the word hearing qualifies the noun boy as an adjective does. It is formed from the verb hear and has an object – noise. The word hearing, therefore, has the properties of a verb and an adjective and is called a participle......
A Dance to the Music of Time 12 - Hearing Secret Harmonies
Hearing Secret Harmonies is the final novel in Anthony Powell's twelve-volume masterpiece, A Dance to the Music of Time. It was published in 1975 twenty-four years since the first book, A Question of Upbringing appeared in 1951. Completing his meditation upon the themes of time and will, the author recounts the narrative in the voice of a convincingly middle-aged Jenkins. (In the television adaptation of the novels an older actor was chosen to play Nick in the final part.)
Hardy's best friend, Lieutenant Abe Glitsky, has kept a secret from him...and everyone else. Hardy never knew that Abe had a daughter-until she was shot dead. It seems obvious that the heroin addict hovering over her body with a gun is the guilty party, and Glitsky has few qualms about sweating a confession out of him. But there is more to this murder-much more. And as both Hardy and Glitsky risk their lives to uncover the truth, others are working hard to stop them.