The Pearl Princess is banished from her palace by her father the King when she tells him she loves him like salt. A Nobleman discovers her living with an old woman in the woods. The story unfolds with a happy ending.
Cesar Millan's Short Guide to a Happy Dog: 98 Essential Tips and Techniques
Both inspirational and practical, A Short Guide to a Happy Dog draws on thousands of training encounters around the world to present 98 essential lessons. Taken together, they will help any owner apply the key aspects of Cesar's celebrated philosophy to create the most fulfilling life possible with their dogs.
Shel Silverstein's first children's book, Lafcadio, the Lion Who Shot Back—a whimsical tale of self-discovery and marshmallows—is turning fifty with a return to a vintage full-color cover.
Is a famous, successful, and admired lion a happy lion? Or is he a lion at all? Written and drawn with wit and gusto, Shel Silverstein's modern fable speaks not only to children but to us all!