The Handbook of Communication Disorders provides an update on key issues and research in the clinical application of the speech, language and hearing sciences in both children and adults. Focusing on areas of cutting-edge research, this handbook showcases what we know about communication disorders, and their assessment and treatment.
The Handbook of Adult Language Disorders, 2 edition
The Handbook of Adult Language Disorders is the essential guide to the scientific and clinical tenets of aphasia study and treatment. It focuses on how language breaks down after focal brain damage, what patterns of impairment reveal about normal language, and how recovery can be optimally facilitated. It is unique in that it reviews studies from the major disciplines in which aphasia research is conducted―cognitive neuropsychology, linguistics, neurology, neuroimaging, and speech-language pathology―as they apply to each topic of language.
The second edition of the highly successful Handbook of Discourse Analysis has been expanded and thoroughly updated to reflect the very latest research to have developed since the original publication, including new theoretical paradigms and discourse-analytic models, in an authoritative two-volume set.
This Handbook provides a comprehensive statement and reference point for theory, research and practice with regard to environment and communication, and it does this from a perspective which is both international and multi-disciplinary in scope. Offering comprehensive critical reviews of the history and state of the art of research into the key dimensions of environmental communication, the chapters of this handbook together demonstrate the strengths of multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary approaches to understanding the centrality of communication to how the environment is constructed, and indeed contested, socially, politically and culturally.
The essential reference on human development, updated and reconceptualized
The Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science, a four-volume reference, is the most comprehensive, authoritative text in the field. First published in 1946, and now in its Seventh Edition, the Handbook has long been considered the definitive guide to the field of developmental science.
With contributions from the major thought leaders in their respective specialties, this four-volume set provides comprehensive coverage of developmental science, including detailed explanations of major theories and methods.