Students learn nouns, pronouns and adjectives in-depth through puzzles, fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice and more. It is a great resource for improving grammar, vocabulary and writing skills.
This teacher-written resource offers engaging activity mats that invite students to explore addition and subtraction, patterns, time, money, measurement, place value, graphs, and more—every day of the school year! Easy-to-use reproducibles make preparation for whole class, small group, and learning center lessons a snap. Great homework for students at every ability level! 208 pages.
Reading Skills Card Games: Sight Words (Grades K-2)
Fifteen exciting, easy-to-make and easy-to-play card games that give children practice in recognizing and reading sight words—an essential building block in achieving reading fluency! 48 pages.
Analogies: Grades 4-5 (Ready-To-Go Reproducibles) The reproducible pages in this book provide step-by-step instruction in introducing and practicing different kinds of analogies.
No Boring Practice, Please! Funny Fairy Tale Proofreading: Highly Motivating Practice Pages-Based on Favorite Folk and Fairy Tales-That Reinforce ... Highly Motivating Practice Pages-Based on Favorite Folk and Fairy Tales-That Reinforce ...
These super-engaging reproducible pages give kids proofreading practice in spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. Each activity offers a humorous twist on a folk or fairy tale to boost students’ interest. Plus, they’ll enjoy a variety of formats such as fractured tales, diary entries, poems, letters, and much more. Includes an answer key. For use with Grades 3–4.