The little known story of perhaps the most productive Congress in US history, the First Federal Congress of 1789–1791. The First Congress was the most important in US history, says prizewinning author and historian Fergus Bordewich, because it established how our government would actually function. Had it failed—as many at the time feared it would—it's possible that the United States as we know it would not exist today.
Performer FIRST Tutor: Teacher's Book - new 2015 edition
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68076.20 | Only for teachers, FCE | 3 August 2016
PerformerFirstTutoris the coursefor the preparationofFirstcertification exam thathasa thematicparallelism andtypologicalwithPerformerCulture&Literature, the renownedEnglish coursethatresponds to the newneeds of the school,integratingin aharmonicand motivatingthe study ofculture, literature andlanguage(levelB2).
Teacher's Guide includes tests: 152 exercises • keys to the tests
In this video, you will learn the grammar rules for the first conditional and how we use it in English. It explains the future time clauses that we can use as well as how to use the first conditional with modal verbs. It gives plenty of examples throughout the lesson as well as dialogues. Finally It explains the difference between the first conditional and the zero conditional....
This work - the first full-length account of its theme in English - identifies Kants doctrine of inner sense as a central, and problematic, element within the architectonic of pure reason of the first Critique. Its exegesis exposes two, variant construals of the character and capacities of inner sense: the first, positive construal functions in Kants account of the nature of knowledge in the Transcendental Analytic, while the second, negative construal functions in Kants account of the limits of knowledge in the Transcendental Dialectic.
Beloved American hero Buzz Aldrin reflects on the wisdom, guiding principles, and irreverent anecdotes he's gathered through his event-filled life - both in outer space and on earth. No Dream Is Too High whittles down Buzz Aldrin's event-filled life into a short list of principles he values, each illustrated by fascinating anecdotes and memories, such as: Second comes right after first. NASA protocol should have meant he was first on the moon, but rules changed just before the mission. How he learned to be proud of being the second man on the moon. Look for opportunities, not obstacles.