Радиоспектакль BBC "Поша" по пьесе Ed Harris. Томас - неподающий надежд поэт, поглощен Поршей, молодой женщиной из офиса. Однажды женщина его фантазии оказывается ближе, чем он мог предположить.
Thomas is a no-hope poet obsessed with Porshia, a young woman at the office. When one day he literally wakes up inside her head, he begins to experience the life of his fantasy woman from closer than he might like, including when her hunky boyfriend pays a visit. 160 kbps, Stereo, 63 mb, 54 min.
Hobbits, Elves, And Wizards. Exploring the Wonders and Worlds of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings
Added by: Romadzha | Karma: 827.99 | Non-Fiction, Other | 19 January 2009
Michael Stanton, a noted expert on science fiction and fantasy literature, has written an indispensible new guide to Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings for readers and viewers alike. Stanton, who has been teaching Tolkien's epic for over 25 years at the University of Vermont, guides the reader through the thickets of characters and places Tolkien creates eschewing academic jargon and an overload of literary criticism to provide an understandable look at Tolkien's fantasyscape. He looks at characters, places, the various books of the epic, dreams, the notions of time and history, providing a rich and wonderful guide to Tolkien's world that no one will want to be without this year.
Новый путеводитель по эпопее Дж.Р.Р. Толкиена «Властелин Колец» - как для читателей, так и для зрителей. Автор - Майкл Стэнтон, признанный эксперт в области научной фантастики и фэнтези.
Though science fiction and fantasy have existed as literary genres for well over a century, a working definition of the terms has yet to be determined. Ursula K. Le Guin, who emerged as a popular science fiction and fantasy writer in the 1960s, has not only witnessed, but also experienced first-hand the shifts and transformations of these increasingly popular genres. Delve into her fantastical worlds and investigate several of her famous works in this study ideal for high school and undergraduate students.
By engaging closely with the work of Richard Francis Burton (1821-90), the iconic nineteenth-century imperial spy, explorer, anthropologist and translator, "Postcolonialism, Psychoanalysis and Burton "explores the White Man's 'imperial fantasies', and the ways in which the many metropolitan discourses to which Burton contributed drew upon and reinforced an intimate connection between fantasy and power in the space of Empire.