Facts On File - Encyclopedia Of North American Immigration
The transformation of the culture of the North American continent since the 15th century is one of the great historical events of the past 500 years. For good or bad, it has shaped the destinies of millions of people of all races, transformed the nature of international politics, and altered the concept of personal possibilities in every country. The magnitude and diversity of the migration to North America has made analysis of the process as a whole quite difficult
Facts On File - Colonial America to 1763 (Almanacs of American Life)
Colonial America to 1763 provides libraries with a compendium of basic quantitative data from the most important government sources and scholarly studies. It includes more than statistical tables. It places this data in scholarly perspective with brief sketches or extended essays (as are appropriate) summarizing current ideas on the broadest range of topics about early American society and culture.The text includes more than 100 illustrations and maps.
Facts On File - Cold War America, 1946 to 1990 (Almanacs of American Life)
Cold War America, 1946 to 1990 (Almanacs of American Life)
Examining a time of immense change that called into question some of the most accepted and honored standards, principles, and institutions in the United States, this new volume in the Almanacs of American Life series provides a detailed look at everyday life during the second half of the 20thcentury. Cold War America chronicles all aspects of society during this tumultuous era...
Facts on File - Encyclopedia of African-American Politics
For many years, African Americans were excluded from participation as voters and as candidates in the American political system. With the Civil Rights movement and the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965, African-American political participation has increased substantially.
Facts on File - The Encyclopedia Of The American Armed Forces
At a time when the question of war and what it means to serve our country is especially relevant, this essential reference provides a comprehensive, authoritative look at the American armed forces. Written by a well-known military historian, this two-volume set is divided into four sections, each devoted to one of the four major branches of the U.S. military - the U.S. Army, the U.S. Navy, the U.S. Marine Corps, and the U.S. Air Force.