This book brings cognition to life by demonstrating the endless application of cognitive psychology to everyday life. While introducing the current research in this rapidly changing field, the text also introduces critical thinking exercises that highlight important phenomena and provide an engaging firsthand view of the everyday relevance of research in cognition. The book has three main threads that serve as unifying themes for current research in the field: Cognition and Neuroscience; Cognition and Consciousness; and Cognition and Individual Differences.
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Written by a leading neuropsychologist, this book brings together widely scattered psychological and neurobiological research on memory to create a definitive overview of current knowledge, proceeding from the synapse to a review of the function and structure of neural systems and the organization of cognition.
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CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics, Fourth Edition
Concise, comprehensive, and logically organized, this find-it-now resource offers fingertip access to the diagnostic tools necessary for the definitive diagnosis and treatment of the most common musculo-skeletal disorders found in adults and children.