This volume seeks to get behind the surface of political events and to identify the forces which shaped politics and culture from 1680 to 1840 in Germany, France and Great Britain. The contributors, all leading specialists in the field, explore critically how 'culture', defined in the widest sense, was exploited during the 'long eighteenth century' to buttress authority in all its forms and how politics infused culture.
Build confidence in reading, listening, writing and speaking. Crown promotes a love of learning English by using engaging texts on teenage life and English-speaking culture from around the World, recycling and practising students’ vocabulary, tenses and grammar, built on a solid syllabus. Regular features include: A Teen’s Guide to British culture; Culture Quiz; Signs you see in Britain; If …..were on Facebook; The CROWN Story.
A fun and accessible introduction to English that will excite and engage beginners of all abilities and interests! Vibrant and visual magazines packed with short articles, comic strips, puzzles, quizzes, videos, interviews and songs. Regular features include: Culture Crew (Video), Role-play Rap, One Direction cartoon (with online animation) Music; Sport; Spot the Difference.
Discover India, India's premium travel and culture magazine is beautifully presented and reflects the diverse aspects of India. It deals with India's philosophy, history, culture, architecture, fashion, art and folklore in both the ancient and modern context. It is a magazine with something for everyone - the gourmet, the scholar, the architect, the spiritualist, the adverturer, the wild-life enthusiast...
A fascinating and counterintuitive portrait of the sordid, hidden world behind the dazzling artwork of Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Botticelli, and more
Renowned as a period of cultural rebirth and artistic innovation, the Renaissance is cloaked in a unique aura of beauty and brilliance. Its very name conjures up awe-inspiring images of an age of lofty ideals in which life imitated the fantastic artworks for which it has become famous. But behind the vast explosion of new art and culture lurked a seamy, vicious world of power politics, perversity, and corruption that has more in common with the present day than anyone dares to admit.