How to Guard an Art Gallery and Other Discrete Mathematical Adventures
What is the maximum number of pizza slices one can get by making four straight cuts through a circular pizza? How does a computer determine the best set of pixels to represent a straight line on a computer screen? How many people at a minimum does it take to guard an art gallery? Discrete mathematics has the answer to these -- and many other -- questions of picking, choosing, and shuffling. T. S. Michael's gem of a book brings this vital but tough-to-teach subject to life using examples from real life and popular culture.
The Mathematics of Medical Imaging: A Beginners Guide
This text explores medical imaging, one of the most significant areas of recent mathematical applications, in a concise manner accessible to undergraduate students. The author emphasizes the mathematical aspects of medical imaging, including not only the theoretical background, but also the role of approximation methods and the computer implementation of the inversion algorithms.
A developed, complete treatment of undergraduate probability and statistics by a very well known author. The approach develops a unified theory presented with clarity and economy. Included many examples and applications. Appropriate for an introductory undergraduate course in probability and statistics for students in engineering, math, the physical sciences, and computer science.(vs. Walpole/Myers, Miller/Freund, Devore, Scheaffer/McClave, Milton/Arnold)
‘A well thought out modern book with a lot of valuable material for use as a course for IT students or as a supplement to an English course for professional people.’ English Teaching Matters
Computers are more prevalent in our daily lives than ever before, yet many people are unfamiliar with the concepts and technology of computer science. Offering 20 engaging experiments and activities based on computer research, "Computer Science Experiments" aims to expand students' learning experiences in this field by covering key science concepts. The experiments in this volume come from all major areas of science, including biology, environmental science, physics, chemistry, and Earth systems.