Play from Birth to Twelve - Contexts, Perspectives, and Meanings
In light of recent standards-based and testing movements, the issue of play in childhood has taken on increased meaning for educational professionals and social scientists. This second edition of Play From Birth to Twelve offers comprehensive coverage of what we now know about play, its guiding principles, its dynamics and importance in early learning.
"A wealth of literature has been published about Paulo Freire, but nothing as comprehensive as this book. This book distinguishes itself by a detailed account of the historical, economic and social context , and on this basis Professor Bhattacharya draws a fascinating and comprehensive picture of one of the most famous and influential educational philosophers from the last half of the twentieth century"
Case, Semantic Roles, and Grammatical Relations - A Comprehensive Bibliography
This is the first of a series of six books dealing with case phenomena in different languages, both Indo- and non-Indo-European. The This bibliography presents the many dimensions involved in reserch into case and case-related phenomena. This includes morphological case markers and cross-constituent (semantic and grammatical) relations expressed by morphological case or by its various conterparts; morpho-syntactic processes such as transitivity and passivization; and pragmatic and textual considerations.
A comprehensive guide to candlestick patterns created by an expert in the field Candlestick patterns are footprints of the smart money, and deciphering those footprints properly can bring traders and investors riches. Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts takes an in-depth look at 103 candlesticks, from identification guidelines and statistical analysis of their behavior to detailed trading tactics. This is the first book ever to combine a comprehensive list of candlesticks with a statistical review of their performance.
The scholarly discipline of Bullshit Studies has blossomed in the last several years, fertilized by a number of critical works on the subject and the growing importance of the issue across a wide range of professions. Now, best-selling author and lifelong practitioner Stanley Bing enters the field with a comprehensive look at the many attractive jobs now available to those who are serious about their bullshit and prepared to dedicate their working life to it.