270 карточек к учебнику Get Set Go!-2. Формат - размер визитки (удобно хранить и просматривать в визитницах).
Печать двухсторонняя. Границы карточки только со стороны картинки. Будьте внимательны при печати, поля слева и справа должны быть одинаковые. На оборотной стороне - фраза на английском языке и её транскрипция. 270 cards to book Get Set Go! -2. Format - in the size of business cards (for convenience storing and browsing for cardholders). With English word list in XLS-format. PICTURES ARE IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (see PREVIEW)!!
The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Business Ethics provides clear, concise and highly informative definitions and explanations of the key concepts in one of the most important fields in contemporary business. Bringing together specially commissioned and carefully edited entries from an international team of the world's best known and respected ethics and business scholars, this will become the standard reference for students, researchers, academics and practitioners. The Dictionary has been carefully designed to give both the expert and newcomer overviews and succinct presentations of the most important issues in business ethics.
This volume provides an overview of the use of propaganda and bias, and the historical accuracy in more than 350 films and film series. The author chose works that are based on personal stories, or that portray documented historical incidents. The majority of films discussed deal with 19th- and 20th-century events. Organization is by broad topics such as the military, sports, music, race relations, labor, business, politics, and crime. Entries range from about a half-page to two pages.
In Who Said So? Michael Parker introduces you to the unique leadership philosophy known as Value-Centered Management. Using the exciting, creative format of a business narrative, the book contrasts the familiar pains of traditional business management with Value-Centered Management by contrasting the opposing style of father and son managers. Following this enlightening business tale, you’ll learn how to focus your business on what your customers truly value—and how to turn that into new business and profit.
Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, Ninth Edition gives you the industry know-how and the management skills needed to thrive in all aspects of the field, from food service to lodging to tourism. In this latest edition, the authors have brought the text thoroughly up to date by featuring new and emerging companies, new technologies, and new ways of doing business. Covering everything from careers to operations to finance, the text offers the most comprehensive and engaging introduction to this exciting field possible.