This diverse collection of essays by prominent folklorists considers modern uses and contexts of proverbs and proverbial speech, some traditional and conventional, others new and unexpected. Together, they demonstrate the continuing pervasiveness and relevance of proverbs in American culture.
What do you get when you combine a newspaper, paper bags, tape, and markers? A Lunch Bag City, of course! This book is a teacher’s dream! You’ll find more creative ways to use a tube sock, milk carton, and other inexpensive things found around the house than you ever imagined.
"Because I Said So!": Family Squabbles & How to Handle Them (Go Parents! Guide)For parents everywhere whose kids complain about helping around the house, stall over homework, and bicker with one other, help is at hand. With compassion and humor, this book takes on the most common points of kid-induced friction-those altercations and annoying behaviors that drive parents most nuts-and offers quick, practical how-to advice for how to handle them. It explains to parents how to navigate everyday challenges...
Us Weekly is the magazine that keeps the closest watch on the ever changing and ever exciting entertainment industry, unlike any other magazine. It takes you backstage at awards shows and sneaks you into celebrity parties. Us Weekly peers into the minds (and dressing rooms) of the biggest stars, and escorts you around the world to see exactly where and with whom the hottest names in entertainment have been hanging out. Us gives you more access than any other magazine on the newsstand.
eVolo is an architecture and design magazine focused on technology advances, sustainability and innovative design for the Twenty-first Century. Our objective is to promote and discuss the most avant-garde ideas generated around the world. It is a medium to explore the reality and future of design with up-to-date news, events, and projects.