Focus is the BBC’s science and technology monthly magazine. Jargon-free and accessible, you don’t need a PhD in particle physics to enjoy reading it. All you need is a quizzical mind that wants to understand the world around you, and gain a fact or two to keep up your sleeve in a pub quiz emergency.
Find a high-tech hobby in the great outdoors! Dig into this fast-growing detective sport that's fun for all ages Once you get your coordinates, your GPS receiver, maps, compass, and this book, you're ready for adventure! Seek out containers of goodies hidden around the world by other geocachers, hide a cache of your own, see new places, and get a little exercise to boot. Here's where to start!
Radio is the most widespread electronic medium in the world today. As a form of technology that is both durable and relatively cheap, radio remains central to the everyday lives of billions of people around the globe.
What makes a “good” manager? This is a book by a manager about managers but it is not just for managers. It is for anyone and for everyone who is interested in the way people – and not just managers - behave and function around the world.
BBC Focus – Science & Technology March 2014
Focus is the BBC’s science and technology monthly magazine. Jargon-free and accessible, you don’t need a PhD in particle physics to enjoy reading it. All you need is a quizzical mind that wants to understand the world around you, and gain a fact or two to keep up your sleeve in a pub quiz emergency.