In this book, kids meet deadly dust-dwellers, toilet terrors, and things that squish, squirm, and slime. There's a hideous creature that can live for months without its head, a beetle that blasts its victims with toxic spray, and five-eyed monsters that vomit on their prey to turn them into mush. Kids love gross, and even the nastiest beasties are helpful in some way.
About the It's True! series
Gross! Creepy! Amazing! Kids will love it.
This non-fiction series for older readers features wacky writing, funny cartoons, and remarkable photos that make each book as delightfully entertaining as it is informative. It's True!
In this brand new series for younger kids, the illustrated Little Brainwaves characters poke, prod, and peer at their photographed subjects, providing an appealing and original way for kids to learn about an amazing variety of topics. In The Little Brainwaves Investigate ... Human Body young readers can explore the world of the human body, shrinking down to a truly tiny size to examine us inside and out. Packed with brilliant photography, wonderfully wacky illustrations and amazing facts, children will discover everything they ever wanted to know about the human body - from milk teeth to our incredible circulatory system.
Buster and the Amazing Daisy - Adventures With Asperger Syndrome
Daisy White was not crazy. Clumsy maybe, but definitely not crazy. In this exciting adventure story, Daisy, who has autism, defeats her bullies and overcomes her fears with the help of a very special rabbit, named Buster. All is going well until a terrible fate threatens Daisy's new friend Cody. Will Daisy be able to gather her courage and special talents to save him? Buster and the Amazing Daisy is not just a humorous and engaging story. It will also give its readers an insight into the hopes and dreams, as well as the fears and frustrations, of many children with autism.
The Amazing Magnificent Stupendous Incredible Outstanding Unbeatable Exceptional (and Humble) Rubberband Boy
A humorous middle grade novel about two trouble-making 5th graders (well, one trouble-maker and his best friend who in reality is a nice kid; but we all grew up with that best friend who always got us into trouble) who end up having to save their classmates from their strange new Social Studies teacher. To avoid getting caught on the school security cameras and receiving yet another couple years of detention, the protagonist dons a make-shift costume comprising a paper plate mask, a fanny pack full of rubber bands, and his mother's pink bathroom towel (with yellow poke dots).
Survival of the Sickest - A Medical Maverick Discovers Why We Need Disease
Find out why deadly diseases are bred into our genetic code - and learn the answers to such provocative questions as: * Can a person rust to death? * Can sunglasses cause sunburns? * Why do we need to pee when we’re cold? * Can the tanning salon lower cholesterol? * Who gets drunk faster-Europeans or Asians? And why? * Why are African-Americans more prone to hypertension? Survival of the Sickest reveals the answers to these and many other questions as it unravels the amazing connections between evolution, disease, and human health today.