Accessible Elements: Teaching Science Online and at a Distance
Delivery of university-level courses through online and distance education can overcome barriers such as geographical location, lecture and lab scheduling, or their job and family commitments, distance delivery offers practical alternatives to traditional on-campus education. The aim of this collection is to inform science educators about current practices in online and distance education: distance-delivered methods for laboratory coursework, the requisite administrative and institutional aspects of online and distance teaching, as well as the relevant educational theory.
Am I Boring My Dog: And 99 Other Things Every Dog Wishes You Knew
A delightfully witty guide to keeping much-loved dogs not just fed and groomed, but happy to be with you. And vice versa. Geared to the millions who want to be socially responsible but also indulgent, who want to be informed about the latest ideas inc are and training, and, above all, who worry about their relationships with their dogs, this poignant, irreverent guide is doggone funny. Written by a first-time dog owner who's been there, worried about that, this comprehensive but accessible book articulates the questions that many people have about all things canine-related but are afraid to ask, all with a reassuring, amusing tone.
Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice
Ayurvedic Medicine brings the unique theories and traditions of Ayurveda alive so that they are accessible to the complementary health practitioner of today. This book offers a clear, accessible and yet detailed guide to Ayurvedic herbalism. It encompasses a brief history of the growth of Ayurveda , a discussion of its fundamental principles, treatment strategies as well as the energetic approach of traditional Ayurvedic herbal pharmacy and pharmacology. It also emphasizes the importance of using sustainably harvested herbs in clinical practice. T
Elements of Financial Time Series fills a gap in the market in the area of financial time series analysis by giving both conceptual and practical illustrations. Examples and discussions in the later chapters of the book make recent developments in time series more accessible. Examples from finance are maximized as much as possible throughout the book.
Debating Psychic Experience: Human Potential or Human Illusion?
Despite ongoing and repeated attempts to prove or disprove the existence of parapsychological events, there are still no conclusive findings—and certainly no consensus across the worldwide community of scholars, scientists, and proponents of psychic phenomena. Still, there is no shortage of information about this fascinating topic to allow everyone to draw their own conclusions.This book has been exly written to make each chapter and topic accessible to a general audience, despite containing a vast amount of theoretical material.