This book was written to be a readable introduction to Algebraic Topology with rather broad coverage of the subject. Our viewpoint is quite classical in spirit, and stays largely within the confines of pure Algebraic Topology. In a sense, the book could have been written thirty years ago since virtually all its content is at least thatold. However, the passage of the intervening years has helped clarify what the most important results and techniques are.
English for Presentations at International Conferences
This book is designed to help non-native English speakers to prepare and deliver effective presentations at international conferences. It will be the first book ever written on presentations specifically from the perspective of non-native English speakers. It will be written in an English that readers will be able to understand easily. This is not 'simple' English as a native speaker would interpret it, but a particular way of writing with minimal redundancy in which key points are highlighted clearly.
Magic is everywhere, from the big spectacle celebrity of David Copperfield and Siegfried and Roy to the quirky Penn and Teller to the spooky David Blaine and Criss Angel to the endless material on YouTube. But until now, learning it has never been easy-that's all about to change with Magic, a book that does for close-up magic what How to Grill does for barbecue. Written by charismatic young magician Joshua Jay, Magic combines expertise, photographs, step-by-step directions showing how to perform 100 tricks
Roses are most beautiful popular flowering plants grown almost throughtout the world. Remarkable work has been carried out on this romantic flower and much has been said and written about it. The changes in fashion in our appreciation and use of rose are mirrored in the numerous journals and books that have been written about it through the centuries. The development of rose is the result of the patient work of the hybridists, scientists and rosarians all over the world.
The Waste Land is a highly influential and controversial 433-line modernist poem written by T. S. Eliot. It is perhaps the most famous and most written-about long poem of the 20th century, detailing the journey of the human soul searching for redemption, the decline of civilization and the impossibility of recovering meaning in life. Despite the alleged obscurity of the poem—its shifts between satire and prophecy, its abrupt and unannounced changes of speaker, location and time, its elegiac but intimidating...