Filled with the city’s one-of-a-kind characters and all of its defining moments, Chicago: A Biography is as big and boisterous as its namesake—and as ambitious as the men and women who built it.
Challenging Women: Gender, Culture and Organization
The influence of male gender cultures on men, women and institutions is tacitly accepted, but its effect on women in senior management positions and their creativity is little acknowledged. In a climate of corporate change in which traditional institutions, hierarchies and working practices face pressure to adapt, the role of the innovator and the new manager from outside established hierarchies can become an important catalyst.
Essentials - the UK's most useful magazine. Packed with hundreds of useful tips and ideas on beauty, fashion, home and wellbeing you'll be wanting to keep this on file! Every month, a 32-page special section of the magazine is dedicated to great 'How to Advice' for your life. Fabulous easy recipes, step by step beauty, simple style tips for your home etc.
FitnessRx for Women: billed as "Your Ultimate Prescription for the Perfect Body," Fitness Rx takes a scientific approach to women's health and fitness, offering tips and information on diet, nutrition, exercise, supplements, cosmetic enhancement, and sexual enhancement
Redbook is an American women's magazine. Red book's articles are primarily targeted towards married women. The magazine features stories about women dealing with modern hardships, aspiring for intellectual growth, and encouraging other women to work together for humanitarian causes. The magazine profiles successful women, such as Christa Miller, to provide inspirational testimonies and advice on life.