London Free & Dirt Cheap, 1st edition, offers the latest information from the days and times of free admission to museums and other cultural institutions, to detailed information on the cheapest places to stay, to eat, and how and where to find discounts. Free music, readings, theatre, films and classes are available if you know where to look.
There's no question about it--today's job market is crowded and the competition is stiff. Candidates need an edge; a way to get the right job at the right salary. In the latest edition of this classic guide, Martin Yate paves the way with his proven advice on everything from crafting resumes with keywords and leveraging social networking to the latest thinking on interview skills.
Hidden in an ancient book of cosmology, written in the ancient Hebrew tongue, long forgotten but not lost by mankind, is a description of a mysterious cube formed from the twenty-two letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. When these twenty-two components are clothed in the cards of the tarot, they reveal a map the Cube of Space that clearly shows where we have come from, where we are now
Beetles have the largest number of known species of any other insect in the world. From boll weevils to ladybugs, these tiny creatures can be found in abundance in one's backyard. Beetle gives an overview of where and how beetles live, examining their life cycles, predators, and defense mechanisms.
This new edition of Mike Davis’s visionary work gives an update on Los Angeles as the city hits the 21st century. No metropolis has been more loved or more hated. To its official boosters, "Los Angeles brings it all together." To detractors, LA is a sunlit mortuary where "you can rot without feeling it." To Mike Davis Los Angeles is both utopia and dystopia, a place where the last Joshua trees are being plowed under to make room for model communities in the desert, where the rich have hired their own police to fend off street gangs, as well as armed Beirut militias.