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Webster's Unabridged Dictionary v.2.2 for Babylon

Webster's Unabridged Dictionary v.2.2 for BabylonWebster's Unabridged Dictionary v.2.2 for Babylon

random house webster's dictionary for babylon 


intellectual dictionary for babylon pro

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Edited by: decabristka - 9 February 2011

Tags: dictionary, babylon, Unabridged, Dictionary, Babylon, Webster
Heroes of the Valley (Unabridged)

Heroes of the Valley (Unabridged)Heroes of the Valley (Unabridged)

Halli Sveinsson has grown up in the House of Svein, listening to the legends of the heroes as all his forefathers did. His is a peaceful society where the violence of the past has been outlawed and disputes are settled by the Council. But young Halli has never quite seemed to fit in with the others. For starters, he was not at all handsome or tall, like his attractive blond siblings. He’s stumpy and swarthy, with a quick mind and aptitude for getting in trouble.

Tags: Halli, attractive, blond, siblings, handsome, Heroes, Unabridged, Valley, starters
American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Unabridged)

American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Unabridged)American Gods by Neil Gaiman (Unabridged)

American Gods is Neil Gaiman's best and most ambitious novel yet, a scary, strange, and hallucinogenic road-trip story wrapped around a deep examination of the American spirit. Gaiman tackles everything from the onslaught of the information age to the meaning of death, but he doesn't sacrifice the razor-sharp plotting and narrative style he's been delivering since his Sandman days.

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Tags: Gaiman, American, sacrifice, razor-sharp, doesn, Unabridged
At Fault by Kate Chopin [Unabridged e-book]

At Fault by Kate Chopin [Unabridged e-bookAt Fault by Kate Chopin [Unabridged e-book

Although Kate Chopin is better known for her second novel The Awakening and her numerous short story collections, her first novel merits critical inquiry. At Fault was published in 1890 and aside from its confident, flawless prose, it also explores the complicated and sensitive subject of divorce.
Tags: Fault, Chopin, novel, flawless, aside, Chopin, Fault, Unabridged
Our mutual friend by Charles Dickens [Unabridged E-book]

Our mutual friend by Charles Dickens [Unabridged E-bookOur mutual friend by Charles Dickens [Unabridged E-book

Our Mutual Friend (written in the years 1864–65) is the last novel completed by Charles Dickens and is one of his most sophisticated works, combining psychological insight with social analysis. It centres on, in the words of critic J. Hillis Miller, "money, money, money, and what money can make of life" but is also about human values.

Tags: money, Dickens, Charles, Hillis, Miller, mutual, Unabridged