The present volume brings together papers devoted to the role of learner and teacher autonomy in the process of second and foreign language learning, which have been contributed by scholars from Poland and abroad. The book has been divided into three parts in accordance with the topics that the individual contributions touch upon.
Discover the freedom of the open road with Great Britain’s Best Trips. We’ve selected 36 amazing road trips through Southern & Eastern England, Southwest England, Central England, Lake District & Northern England, Wales and Scotland from three day escapes to three week adventures, and packed them full of expert advice and inspirational suggestions.
Whether you want to wind along roads surrounded by majestic mountains in the Scotland’s Royal Highlands & Cairngorms or discover a rich heritage full of nautical, archaeological and architectural sights in England’s historic south, we’ve got the trip for you.
Despite its exceptional frequency and versatility, GET has never been a focus of research in its entire variability, which goes from lexical to grammatical uses, nor in large amounts of data from different varieties of English. The present corpus-based study deals with over 11,600 tokens of GET in written and spoken language from three varieties of English and thus provides new insights for variationist linguistics.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Fiction literature | 2 May 2017
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie burst onto the literary scene with her remarkable debut novel, "Purple Hibiscus, "which critics hailed as "one of the best novels to come out of Africa in years" (Baltimore "Sun"), with "prose as lush as the Nigerian landscape that it powerfully evokes" ("The Boston Globe"); "The Washington Post "called her "the twenty-first-century daughter of Chinua Achebe." Her award-winning "Half of a Yellow Sun "became an instant classic upon its publication three years later, once again putting her tremendous gifts--graceful storytelling, knowing compassion, and fierce insight into her characters' hearts--on display.
Трое в лодке, не считая собаки / Three Men in a Boat (To say nothing of the dog)
Забавные каламбуры, тонкая ирония, невероятно смешные зарисовки из жизни сделали роман любимой книгой миллионов читателей. Эта книга станет прекрасным пособием по изучению языка благодаря прекрасному английскому и блистательному юмору автора. После каждого английского абзаца вы найдете краткий словарик с необходимыми словами и комментарии к переводу сложных грамматических конструкций. К словам, вызывающим затруднения при чтении, дана транскрипция. Текст снабжен лингвострановедческими комментариями на русском языке.