Every teacher knows that the foundation of a good learning environment is effective behaviour management. Without the right attitude, resources and techniques, behaviour problems can disrupt classes, consume the teacher's time and subsequently affect the education and well-being of all the children. This book is brimming with quick, easy and effective techniques to help keep children focused on their work and engaged in appropriate behaviour within the classroom.Based on Nicola S.
Beautiful Quiltagami : New Ideas for Fabric FoldingA book as popular and well-reviewed as "Quiltagami" cries out for a sequel - and here it is, with 19 new and exciting projects that range from animal purses to scrapbook wall hangings. This fun craft combines quilting with origami, and has intrigued needleworkers eager to add new techniques to their repertoire.
The Communication Problem Solver: Simple Tools and Techniques for Busy ManagersManagers need top-flight communication skills to keep their staffs productive and collaborative. But often, those who manage lack the ability to get things back on track once miscommunication occurs. This book helps readers analyze their communication skills and challenges and explains how they can use simple problem-solving techniques to resolve the people issues that derail productivity at work. Easily accessible and filled with real world management examples. This no-nonsense guide is packed with practical tools
Features over 40 step-by-step projects using basic techniques and readily available supplies.
Ideal for beginning artists and hobbyists learning basic colored pencil as well as more experienced artists looking to perfect their technique.
Readers will learn to draw flowers, people, animals, metal, brass, sunsets, water, glass and more using reference photos, simple techniques and clear step-by-step instruction. She includes before-and-after examples from her students that prove how her simple graphing techniques translate into remarkable drawings.
Assessment is helpful in charting student growth and evolution. It provides a constant source of feedback to the learners, enabling them to demonstrate what they have absorbed. The book explains the difference between authentic assessment and performance assessment and describes how typical tests differ from the techniques of assessment. Included in the coverage are many resources on the topic in books, articles, videos, and on the Internet.