Young and old, large and small, pedigreed and mixed-breed, dogs respond to clicker training. Preferred by many professionals, clicker training is a positive, precise, and effective method of reinforcing good behavior. Noted dog trainer Miriam Fields-Babineau explains clicker training techniques step by step so that all dog owners can use the approach. Whether you want to train your dog to obey basic commands, perform tricks, compete in performance sports, or do service work, clicker training gets results and enhances your relationship with your dog. Focusing on actual techniques rather than theory and science.
Jill prepared this book for beaders of all levels, and it really is just that. Projects move between stitches, skill sets and learning levels, and the instructions are clear and easy enough that any beader may work them, though some may require a bit of advance familiarity with the techniques used.
Reading Techniques for FCE is for students at upper-intermediate level who wish to improve their general reading skills in English and/or work specifically towards Paper 1 of the revised FCE.
Liquid Culture Systems for in vitro Plant Propagation
High-efficiency micropropagation, with relatively low labour costs, has been demonstrated in this unique book detailing liquid media systems for plant tissue culture. World authorities (e.g. von Arnold, Curtis, Takayama, Ziv) contribute seminal papers together with papers from researchers across Europe that are members of the EU COST Action 843 "Advanced micropropagation systems". First-hand practical applications are detailed for crops – including ornamentals and trees – using a wide range of techniques, from thin-film temporary immersion systems to more traditional aerated bioreactors with many types of explant – shoots to somatic embryos.
American Horticultural Society Plant Propagation: The Fully Illustrated Plant-by-Plant Manual of Practical Techniques
The unrivaled priatical guide to the successful propagation of all garden plants -- from trees and shrubs to culinary herbs. Expert Guidance On The Propagation Of More Than 1,500 Plants. Whether you want to increase your plants by the easiest or most reliable methods of propagation, or experiment with more unusual or advanced techniques, or use specialized techniques for a favorite plant group, AHS Plant Propagation contains all the techniques you need in easy-to-follow, step-by-step explanations