The Compass TOEFL® test preparation series develops and refines skills necessary for achieving the maximum score on the TOEFL® iBT. Available in combined editions and split editions by skill and level, the Compass series provides stu... About the book : Focused practice of each question type Passages and tasks based on TOEFL iBT format Exercises to prepare student for the new format Sample answers for Writing and Speaking sections Split editions available (Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing)
tapescript, wordlist and sample pages added by decabristka
Added by: Evasquez | Karma: 0.00 | Black Hole | 5 June 2010
400 must-have words for the toefl
400 Must-Have Words helps the TOEFL aspirants to conversant with the most common english vocabulary words for the crucial exam preparation. Also this book is updated with recent changes made to the test along with interactive style of spontaneous conversation.
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Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT-Advanced [BOOK (TRANSCRIPTS) + AUDIO]
These CDs (10 discs) accompany the Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT Student Book. The recordings include over 120 sample conversations and lectures, as well as over 40 sample responses for speaking tasks. CDs 1 to 6 cover the exercises and review tasks from the listening section; CDs 7 and 8 include the recordings and sample responses from the integrated speaking section; CD 9 contains recordings necessary for the integrated writing section; and CD 10 contains...
Practice for the TOEFL test. Content is from Heinle and Heinle. Books will have audio transcripts in the back and accompanying audio on either tape or CD, depending on the version. Plenty of subject review and exercises—more than the competition. Classroom or self-study ready. CD3 added Thanks to LIFE000
A complete guide to English Grammar, which covers every part of speech, and is presented with people who are planning to take the iBT TOEFL exam in mind. Over 50 key grammar points which feature: clear, detailed explanations, over 115 exercises, and thousands of questions.