Modern Pharmacology with Clinical Applications, 5th Ed.
The classic--now revised every two years! This affordable softbound is concise enough to focus on the essentials, yet detailed enough to ensure accuracy. Clearly-ordered sections address drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system, cardiovascular system, and central nervous system; drugs used to treat inflammatory disorders; chemotherapy; drugs affecting the endocrine system; and additional, important drugs such as histamines and vitamins.
In this lively and informative book, beginning readers might be introduced to the physical characteristics of stars – in addition to the main stars in our solar system.
Have you ever seen a shooting star? What you genuinely saw was a meteor! A meteor is in fact a chunk of metallic or stony matter – called a meteoroid – that enters the earth’s atmosphere from outer space. A comet, on the other hand, is a lump of ice and dust that periodically comes into the center of the solar system from somewhere in its outer reaches. Discover much more about meteors and comets in this lively and informative book!
The Public Health System in England "The Public Health System in England" offers a wide-ranging, provocative and accessible assessment of challenges confronting a public health system, exploring how its parameters have shifted over time and what the origins of long-standing dilemmas in public health practice are. The book will therefore appeal to public health professionals and students of health policy and may also encourage them to become fully engaged in political and social advocacy alongside the traditional skills of reasoned analysis and sound evidence.
The Compleat Day Trader II picks up where the Compleat Day Trader left off. Bernstein provides new trading strategies and techniques soecifically designed for the new breed of intuitive" traders, who create their own system, customized for their own trading styles and areas of effectiveness. The Compleat Day Trader II includes the most up to date strategies and systems for seizing hold of day trading success, including: A separate chapter detailing each system and method; Indicator formulas and system codes; The psychology of day trading.