Educational Software Green Line 2 English language trainer for grammar vocabulary and communication (for German Speakers)
This software provides the impetus for learning at home. It offers a wealth of opportunities for systematic practice and revision. Practice and consolidate vocabulary, grammar and listening comprehension with fun.
Учебное пособие содержит интересную и разнообразную информацию для делового и повседневного общения на английском языке. В книге дано большое количество диалогов, содержащих многочисленные фразы-клише (приветствие, обращение, представление, наведение справок, прощание). Значительное внимание уделено ведению переговоров и оформлению деловой документации. Лексический материал отрабатывается с помощью упражнений, направленных па развитие навыков устной речи. Для широкого круга читателей: учащихся, студентов, туристов, бизнесменов.
Discourse Markers in Native And Non-native English Discourse
While discourse markers have been examined in some detail, little is known about their usage by non-native speakers. This book provides valuable insights into the functions of four discourse markers (so, well, you know and like) in native and non-native English discourse, adding to both discourse marker literature and to studies in the pragmatics of learner language. It presents a thorough analysis on the basis of a substantial parallel corpus of spoken language. In this corpus, American students who are native speakers of English and German non-native speakers of English retell and discuss a silent movie.
Science: A Closer Look provides a variety of engaging, hands-on experiences that build understanding of science content. Each lesson is supported by a wealth of vibrant visuals designed to motivate pupils.